Power of Breath

To start with, I invite you to take a moment & check in your breath right now. Stop reading, close your eyes for 30 seconds notice your breath. What did you notice? Was it short & choppy? Long & smooth? Could you feel it in your belly or mostly in your chest. Do you breathe through your nose, your mouth or may be little of both? 

What poor breathing does;
Noticing the way you breathe, is a window into how your nervous system is responding to physical, emotional or mental stress. It is also a key for unlocking the secret to managing your reaction to stress. When we breathe short & shallow breaths & has a difficult time in breathing all the way out, we are triggering the flight/fight response which is the sympathetic branch of ANS. This creates anxiety & other stress related feeling, raising our adrenaline & cortisol levels while decreasing blood flow to our digestive & excreting organs. Higher levels of cortisol are related to higher dosage of belly fat & inability to lose weight. 

Breathing right;
In Yoga-Sutra Patanjali  said " Every emotion is associated with breath, so if we control our breath we can control our emotions ". 
When we train ourself to breathe smoothly & evenly, it triggers the parasympathetic nervous system to a dominant state, systems, stimulating the digestive systems, lowering our cortisol levels & balancing the adrenal & thyroid glands. SUDARSHAN KRIYA is a powerful tool, it very effectively corrects our breathing pattern.

Most people keep their lungs & chest in contraction, using only 25% of their breathing capacity.when you train your lungs to function at 80-90%, this becomes a very powerful workout. The breath can alone generate heat & cause you to break a sweat while in training. Your entire body is nourished & oxygenated while toxic waste like CO2 are eliminated.A daily breathing practice contributes to better sleep, improved posture, toned abdomen, better circulation & brain function boosts the immune system & increases energy. The time is worth the effort. 

My personal experience; 
In Ayurveda, they say: our life duration is the count of breath, so if we increase the depth of breath, we could increase our life span.

Earlier, I use to have short & shallow breath, full of shivers. With regular practice of SUDARSHAN KRIYA, my breath has become smooth & long. It's now a shiver-free breath. 
Short &shallow breath often accompanies with negative characters like lack of energy laziness, body, hopelessness, lack of enthusiasm, jealousy & so on. SUDARSHAN KRIYA detoxifies the body, with its regular practice you start feeling much of energy in your body, enthusiasm & positivity. I have experienced my immune status has been elevated after its regular practice. More important to my sleep quality has improved tremendously. Earlier I used to struggle with my sleep-wake cycle, now it is well balanced with that of natures. My instinct is developed now. 

Correct breathing is not just exchange of gases, it's a very powerful tool & a way to happiness. So stay committed to personal growth & transformation. 

Take a deep breath and let go.... & keep moving forward one step at a time! SO HAM! 


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